There is a favourable trend in Luxembourg for the development of start-ups, particularly innovative firms in the domains of Fintech and IT, but also in robotics, artificial intelligence, gaming and biotech.
The community is very active and benefits from the support of public, para-public or private organisations.
Many initiatives and solutions have been set up to help innovative entrepreneurs to start their business and then grow globally.
The increasing requirements of regulators make regulatory compliance services as a top priority activity for our clients.
Our services include:
- Compliance Review
- Reporting Services
- Communication with Regulator
- Tax Compliance
Luxembourg has become a major player in the European Private Equity market. One of the instruments which allows companies to take full advantage of the taxation benefits available in Luxembourg is the Convertible Preference Equity Certificate.
One of the most attractive frameworks for Intellectual Property Rights management in Europe
The Luxembourg tax regime aims at encouraging Intellectual Property (IP) companies to invest in intellectual property and research and development (R&D) through an effective tax rate on IP income of around 5%.
Due to its progressive and adaptive approach, Luxembourg has become the center of choice for promoters and investors who wish to incorporate their business in the heart of Europe. Company incorporation in Luxembourg is straightforward both for resident and foreign investors
With its pool of qualified service providers developing dedicated E-commerce and digital enterprises, Luxembourg has become the place to be in Europe – particularly for electronically supplied services such as TV and radio broadcasting and telecommunication services.
Luxembourg has attracted the presence of key players in communication technologies such as iTunes, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, AOL and other leading international companies active in media, online gaming and electronic services.
Incorporation of a foreign fund established abroad
To become an entity duly incorporated under Luxembourg law, a fund established abroad may elect to transfer its registered office and redomicile to Luxembourg.
The Luxembourg investment fund industry is largely benefiting from its location in a strong financial centre. The country is now an internationally recognised label for investment funds. The greatest asset of Luxembourg is a constant anticipation of the needs of investors in order to create a stable, protective, and favorable environment according to the expected development of the market.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be considered a sub-field of computer science. Its goal is to foster the development of computers with the aim of enabling them to carry out tasks typically performed by people – in particular, tasks associated with people acting intelligently.
Nowadays, a computer can already beat the world chess champion, understand voice commands on a smartphone or be an intelligent personal assistant (eg.Siri). AI is present in many domains such as gaming, automated machine translation systems, weather forecasting, and recruitment. Computers perform tasks such as auto-pilot mode in aviation, and even as robot companions to the elderly.
In general, any interest paid by a Luxembourg company to one of its creditors is deductible from the taxable base of the company. If it pays interest relating to a loan taken out with a bank or any other creditor, it will be able to deduct the interest from its taxable base.
Domiciliation is defined as the provision of services by a third party, associated with the establishment of a registered office by a company in Luxembourg. This type of third party is regarded as the company’s domiciliation agent.